Sunday, September 1, 2024


 B agreed to play trombone after P got a newer one in a good case from Atlanta.  After school started E found a better case for the old trombone at a local music store.  The old trombone stays at school and the newer trombone stays home.  lP and B both use them both.  Perhaps for concerts the nice one can go to school.

B loves going to school with lP and being the little brother.  They walk down to a further bus stop so they can hang out with friends.  

B scored very high on the iReady diagnostic and wanted to skip a grade to be with lP in high school for 2 years.  I told him that childhood is too fun and not to rush it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

trombone trumpet

 B wants to play trumpet.  We want him to play trombone.  We're trying to have him do both.  If he plays trombone he and lP will be in the same section for high school.  That would be cool.  He's also blessed with long arms and a good ear so trombone would be easier for him than other kids. 

He's had a good summer playing on the computer, hiking rainbow mountain and keeping tabs on L.  He's a lovely kid.  I love him.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

5th grade camp

 A few months ago B asked me about camp M.  He had heard kids talking about it.  He just got back from going.  Grandma C helped pay the fee.

On Monday I dropped off B with his luggage at the beginning of school. He went to the cafeteria.  Parker's dad took my luggage to his car and then we all rode the bus to camp. 

"I sat by someone who was a bit annoying."

"Then we got to camp M and the instructors told us where our bunks were.  And they mispronounced some of the names they read.  Then we got settled into our cabins and had lunch.  I'm thinking if we did anything before that but I don't think so.  Then we learned about animal tracks.  We had pizza for lunch. 
One of the activities was canoeing.  One of the kids threw up on the first night.  We had to be in the cabins at 9pm.  Every cabin had 2 showers.  

We woke up and had breakfast (eggs, bacon and oj)  Tuesday night we did crafts and played games.  In one game we had playdough and people had a word to sculpt out of playdough.  Whomever guessed the word got to sculpt next.  In another game we drew on a persons back and then they drew on the next persons back until the final person draws what they felt on the board."

He came home to our full wall of books.  He was speechless and delighted.  He immediately found the bird sounds book and sat down with his old friend.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Trombone dreams

 We planned for B to play trombone ever since his growth chart predicted above average height.  It has been about 7 years that we had his life all planned out for him.

Last night he went to a band petting zoo and decided he likes trumpet and flute better.

Friday, February 23, 2024

preparing for middle school

 B's school splits between two middle schools.  About 1/4th of the 5th grade went on a field trip to the middle school we are zoned for.  It was an amazing field trip.  All of the 5th graders going to the middle school came and filled the gym bleachers.   The concert and symphonic bands were there playing pep tunes for 20 minutes as all the groups came in and got settled.  So cool.  They were divided (by wrist bands put on at their home school) into 8 groups and went to 8 sessions exploring all of the electives and registration.  In each session a teacher explained the options and had students tell about their experiences.  Each group had about 40 kids in it which allowed for individual questions and much less crowd control.  All this was happening while regular classes were going on!  It was amazing!  As the groups came back to the gym they handed out 2 slices of pizza, a water, and cookies to each group.  They had 2 lines and there wasn't a long wait even though there were 300+ kids.  I am so amazed at the planning and execution of this event. 

I love the schools the kids are in.  I am so grateful to be here and to have such good schools for the kids.  I am constantly amazed at all the good ideas that are implemented in this school district.  With just 2 high schools 3 middle schools and 8 elementary schools, everyone is celebrated.  It is small enough to be flexible and recognize the values of this community which while diverse (and I love that) highly values education. 

Friday, December 22, 2023

Amazing Christmas gift

 B wrote down a few things on his list for a sibling to gift him.  The first item was $200.  The second was $89.  The 3rd and 4th were possible for the budget.  I found the 3rd item on Facebook Marketplace for such a good deal that I could get the 4th item also. 

Here's what is amazing about the 3rd item.  I actually got $150 of that item for $20.  B loves saving money.  Instead of just 1 of the item, he will have 10.  B loves to collect.  I'm very grateful that this person was selling this awesome gift in time for Christmas.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

So good at school

 B is a very conscientious person.  He's doing great at school.  His handwriting and writing ability have improved so much in school.  He works hard for his teachers.  He made a shoe box diorama for his Language Arts class that looked like a locker for Auggie form the book "Wonder".  He had little pictures, a mini notebook with quotes, and a mini potato light for the science project.  I think it was awesome.  I helped him with it but tried not to do it for him.  I showed him how to spray paint and then let him do that.  I showed him how to make the quotes on the computer, and then let him do that.  One thing I did do was bend the wires for the potato light.  Guilty.