Friday, December 31, 2021


 B was feeling sick on Halloween but he did get to go to the trunk-er-treat a few days before.


B had a few times that he didn't prepare the FHE lesson even with a lot of offers of help.  So now when it is his turn, I sit down with him before dinner and have him dictate his topic and lesson following a form like this one.  It's nice to develop a sense of competence in him.  He is pleased to give his lesson.  He knows it feels good to be prepared.  It's OK to need help, even if you don't like getting help, and B does not like getting help.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021


I asked B to put this piece of granite in the hole at the bottom of the gutter.  I came out to find he had in fact put it in the hole at the bottom of the gutter.  I meant the divot in the dirt just below the spout.
B and L like to climb this tree with a ladder.  I didn't love that L was getting the ladder out and going up the tree all the time.  So we rigged up a rope so now they can scale the tree anytime they like but at least they won't fall off the ladder?