Sunday, June 2, 2019

Money boy

B started being able to do chores for commission when he turned 5 last year.  He rarely spends the money and has been able to buy a few larger items because he'll let it just sit and grow in his account. 

A few weeks ago he was really interested in a shark- lantern and headlight set he saw at Walmart.  I told him we couldn't buy it that day but would come back another day to buy it and we did.

 Similarly, we went to Target to buy fine point dry erase markers and B saw a toy for "How to train your dragon".  He really wanted to buy it but I had promised M that we wouldn't buy anything else.  Also I don't like impulse buys.   So we came back the next day and shopped the different toys, comparing price and value.  He did end up buying a stuffed Toothless for $10 instead of the action hero + dragon for $15.

On the way home B said he thought I had wasted $3.  He thought he only had $7 and was getting away with making me pay the remainder.  I let him know that it wasn't good to trick someone into paying your way and that he would have to pay me back.  I also told him it had been a long time since he was paid so he was probably OK.

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